Write Chinese - Macro for Word 97
Contents: Initial remarks: New: For users: Requirements: Installation: Uninstallation: Short description: Files:
Complete Version, 
including index files
WC V 0.9996z4 for Word 97 (2002-09-10, 1744994 Bytes, 1704.10 KB)
English word list only
(Version WC09996l or above)
(9642 translations for 8284 characters, 5438 unknown, 142 still new)
WC V 0.9996 Word List En-2003-03-09 (2003-03-09, 465796 Bytes, 454.88 KB)
German word list only
(Version WC09996l or above)
(9775 translations for 8404 characters, 5438 unknown, 9 still new)
WC V 0.9996 Word List De-2003-03-09 (2003-03-09, 475042 Bytes, 463.91 KB)
English index files and search file
(If "Menu->Index" gives the wrong numbers).
WC V 0.9996 Index Files En-2003-03-09 (2003-03-09, 318989 Bytes, ca. 311.51 KB)
German index files and search file
(If "Menu->Index" gives the wrong numbers).
WC V 0.9996 Index Files De-2003-03-09 (2003-03-09, 324159 Bytes, ca. 316.56 KB)
ChinJap Version WC09996z4-WJ004f
(needs WritChin97 and WritJap97, latest version, installed)
ChinJap V WC09996z4-WJ004f (2002-08-06, 236248 Bytes, ca. 230,71 KB)


The Dictionary I was using for the English translations is "Far East English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary - Yuan Dong Ying Han Han Ying Ci Dian", The Far East Book Co., Taipei, 1997, ISBN 957-612-016-0. Some more translations have been added to the English part, mostly based on the German source below. The additional translations are marked with "(*)".
The Dictionary I was using for the German translations was "Xin Han De Ci Dian - Das neue Chinesisch-Deutsche Woerterbuch", Peking, 1996, ISBN 7-100-00096-3. Some more translations have been added to the German part, mostly based on the English source above. The additional translations are marked with "(*)".

Questions, suggestions, crititcism, thanks:

Questions, suggestions, criticism and thanks to Christian Hinz.


The author cannot guarantee that the software is free of faults, nor that the data contained are complete or free of errors. He can only emphasize that he wrote this software for his own use, that he tried hard to wipe out all defects that he found, and that he entered the translations diligently. Besides, as mentioned above already, he does not intend to spread any computer virus or anything alike. Still, he cannot guarantee that no virus has found its way into this software.

Feedback: A feedback form can be found here.

Deutsche Version / German version

To my home page

Last Change: 2004-04-03, Christian Hinz